As valuable as they are, these meetings are no substitute for daily Christian friendship. Just as our Lord’s first disciples were sent into the world two-by-two, we too should look for at least one Christian companion, a fellow-traveler and advisor with whom to share this stretch of the road. We call that fellow-traveler a Silas. The helper we select will be flawed and weak, like we are, but will nonetheless be willing to hear our story, protect our confidence, and talk with us briefly every day. We will walk together by mutual consent, gracefully accepting the fact that relationships change over time and that few relationships are permanent. Love, honesty, and humility are our watchwords.
How do you find a Silas? The best way we have found is to start attending meetings, then commit to the same meeting each week to develop relationships with the men there. Find a guy who you seem to connect with in that same weekly meeting and ask him to be your Silas.